Astrology of Wednesday, March 18th 2020
March 18, 2020[The Astrology Podcast] April Forecast
April 1, 2020The Sun sextiles Saturn perfectly today, gently spotlighting matters of organization. Meanwhile, Mars and Jupiter conjoin in Capricorn, a triumphant, if fearsome, combination good for bold but concrete plans.
During the evening, Sun rolls into Aries and harnesses a pair of Rams to the chariot. This
ingress marks the equinox, a moment of equality between light and night. From this point of balance, the ratio will begin to swing in favor of one over the other. In the northern hemisphere, it is spring’s start and the triumph of day, while in the south it is the cusp of autumn, and the beginning of night’s reign. In Aries, Sol illuminates potential, heats the spirit, and sets the body in motion. Here the golden rays are vigorous, but combative. The Sun will be in Aries until April 19th.
Finally, the wee hours are blessed by the Moon’s configuration to Venus in Taurus which
drizzles a bit of indulgence across the late-late night.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Aquarius, 4th Quarter
Sun Sextile Saturn: Mar 19, 4:49 PM PDT
Sun Enters Aries: Mar 19, 8:49 PM PDT
Moon Square Venus: Mar 20, 2:01 AM PDT
Mars Conjunct Jupiter: Mar 20, 4:34 AM PDT
See Current Chart