Astrology of Thursday, April 18th 2019
April 18, 2019
Astrology of Monday, April 22nd 2019
April 22, 2019The Moon enters driven, emotional Scorpio first thing on Friday, and spends the morning in an opposition with Uranus in Taurus, seeding the first portion of the day with insights, surprises, and disruptions. After Uranus makes its alterations, the Scorpio mood continues down its proper tunnel.
Meanwhile, Mercury conjoins the planetoid Chiron, turning thoughts towards wounds of the mind and body, and the processes by which they fester and heal.
After darkness falls and the just-past-full Moon rises, the Sun sets hoof in Taurus. The transition from Aries to Taurus takes energy levels down a bit, and calls us to adjust our pacing to a sustainable ratio of business and pleasure. The Sun in Taurus favors steady efforts and ample leisure, so plan accordingly. The Sun will reside within the bovine sign until May 21st, when it enters Gemini.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Scorpio, 3rd Quarter
Moon Enters Scorpio: Apr 19, 5:43 AM PDT
Moon Opposite Uranus: Apr 19, 9:37 AM PDT
Mercury Conjunct Chiron: Apr 19, 4:45 PM PDT
The Sun Enters Taurus: Apr 20, 1:54 AM PDT
See Current Chart