Astrology of Thursday, December 26th 2019
December 26, 2019
Astrology of Saturday, December 28th 2019
December 28, 2019The Sun makes its annual conjunction with Jupiter today. This year, the two meet up somewhere in the stony, solstitial hills of Capricorn. From here we look down, not up. This is not a meeting to discuss the heights to which the human spirit can aspire, it is strategy session to plot a smart route through an unimpressive moment in human history.
Jupiter in Capricorn tends to reward a bottom-up, Maslow’s pyramid-style approach to success. As you build your life, make sure you’re not skimping on the foundation to buy an extra golden toilet. Jupiter’s time in Capricorn will be a big corrective for step-skippers and spiritual bypassers.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Capricorn -> Aquarius, 1st Quarter
Moon Conjunct Pluto: Dec 27, 6:46 AM PST
Sun Conjunct Jupiter: Dec 27, 10:25 AM PST
Moon Sextile Mars: Dec 27, 1:04 PM PST
Moon Enters Aquarius: Dec 27, 9:22 PM PST
Moon Square Uranus: Dec 28, 2:36 AM PST
See Current Chart