Astrology of Thursday, July 23rd 2020
July 23, 2020
Astrology of Saturday, July 25th 2020
July 25, 2020The first portion of Friday is serious and a bit heavy, courtesy of the Moon in Virgo’s trines to Pluto and then Saturn in Capricorn. Though the day intersects with obstinate structural issues, it is from a workable angle. Labor patiently and find progress inch by inch. Later in the afternoon, the Moon gets somewhat ensnared in the coils of the dragon, bringing the potential for confusion before resolving its direction.
Luna enters Libra in the evening, its Venusian grace bringing some balance to the day’s earlier heaviness. The ingress is followed by the Moon’s waxing sextile to the Sun in Leo, warming the night air with a spirit of bright equipoise.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Virgo -> Libra, 1st Quarter
Moon Trine Pluto: Jul 24th, 8:05 AM PDT
Moon Trine Saturn: Jul 24th, 4:08 PM PDT
Moon Square Nodal Axis (North Bending): Jul 24th, 4:38 PM PDT
Moon Enters Libra: Jul 24th, 6:53 PM PDT
Moon Sextile Sun: Jul 24th, 11:32 PM PDT
See Current Chart