Astrology of Thursday, March 21st 2019
March 21, 2019
Astrology of Saturday, March 23rd 2019
March 23, 2019Though Friday begins with Pluto casting a tenebrous shadow over the Moon in Libra, the darkness quickly fades as Luna comes into contact with Jupiter in Sagittarius and then Venus in Aquarius, re-activating the auspicious sextile between the two benefics. This configuration provides strong support to activities during Friday’s daylight hours.
While the Moon enjoys the pleasures of the benefics, the Sun conjoins Chiron, a planetoid between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus. Where Chiron goes, it shines an x-ray on to old wounds, highlighting the childhood shrapnel still stuck in people. In Aries, Chiron particularly targets the wounds that keep us from acting at the appropriate time, from standing up for ourselves when it is called for, and owning anger as a potentially healthy response. It also highlights the secret shame we feel for not having done so in the past. Chiron is early in Aries for many years to come, and so the little bit of light shone upon this topic by the Sun’s conjunction with Chiron is but a vision of a healing process just being initiated. These themes will jump out to a few people today, but for most they pass by, barely noticed, as a brief but odd-smelling breeze.
Evening has a very different tone than the day. The Moon makes a twilight move into emotional, driven Scorpio and then makes an opposition to stimulating, disruptive, subversive Uranus in Taurus. This gives the evening an intense, but experimental vibe. A good night to get weird and artistic, especially if that isn’t your thing.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Libra -> Scorpio, 3rd Quarter
Moon Square Pluto: Mar 22, 7:33 AM PDT
Moon Sextile Jupiter: Mar 22, 9:02 AM PDT
Moon Square Nodal Axis (North Bending): Mar 22, 9:44 AM PDT
Moon Trine Venus: Mar 22, 11:13 AM PDT
Sun Conjunct Chiron: Mar 22, 11:37 AM PDT
Moon Enters Scorpio: Mar 22, 7:18 PM PDT
Moon Opposite Uranus: Mar 22, 8:40 PM PDT
See Current Chart