Astrology of Thursday, March 28th 2019
March 28, 2019
Astrology of Saturday, March 30th 2019
March 30, 2019Friday begins with the Moon conjunct Ketu, the Dragon’s Tail, in Capricorn. The day starts in a silent enough mood to notice the memories and phantoms flitting about in the morning’s shadows. Yet as the day continues, ghosts fade and are replaced with concrete tasks. Though productivity and duty make a clear case for themselves, so too does glorious sloth. Try to find a way to integrate some fun into what you need to do, as it will be worth it to finish things off.
The Moon enters Aquarius around sunset and spends the evening in a square with shocking Uranus in Taurus. Plans may mutate unexpectedly, as may moods. Be adaptable. The optimal fun might be different from what you had scheduled.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Capricorn -> Aquarius, 4th Quarter
Moon Conjunct Ketu: Mar 29, 6:10 AM PDT
Moon Trine Mars: Mar 29, 5:04 PM PDT
Moon Enters Aquarius: Mar 29, 6:45 PM PDT
Moon Square Uranus: Mar 29, 9:10 PM PDT
See Current Chart