Astrology of Thursday, October 15th 2020
October 15, 2020
Astrology of Saturday, October 17th 2020
October 17, 2020Friday hosts the New Moon in Libra. The union of the Sun and Moon at 23 Libra finds them in a difficult spot, between the harsh rays of Mars, Pluto and Saturn. They are besieged together, and thus speak to a hard pair of weeks to come. Under such configurations we often must often yield our plans to Necessity, as circumstances leave us with less viable choices than normal. The pairing of the Sun and Moon in the third decan of Libra asks us find balance on swiftly tilting terrain. The equilibrium to be cultivated here is a dynamic one. It is the off-kilter balance of the drunken master, not the perfect, static equipoise of the hatha yoga adept.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Libra -> Scorpio, New Moon
Moon Square Jupiter: Oct 16th, 5:06 AM PDT
Moon Opposite Mars: Oct 16th, 6:47 AM PDT
Moon Square Pluto: Oct 16th, 10:21 AM PDT
New Moon: Oct 16th, 12:30 PM PDT
Moon Square Saturn: Oct 16th, 3:11 PM PDT
Moon Enters Scorpio: Oct 16th, 10:06 PM PDT
See Current Chart