Astrology of Sunday, April 14th 2019
April 14, 2019
Astrology of Tuesday, April 16th 2019
April 16, 2019Monday begins with the fastidious Moon in Virgo’s trine with grounded-yet-innovative Uranus in Taurus. As you approach your daily labors, consider whether there’s a practical way to upgrade your method.
Meanwhile, Venus in Pisces squares Jupiter in Sagittarius. This angle between the two benefics facilitates pleasures, yet tends to inspire visions of the good life that are often difficult to fully realize. Don’t miss what’s in front of you for what may or may not be over the next hill.
As afternoon turns to evening, the spirit of the day turns increasingly impatient and irritable, courtesy of a square between Mars and the Moon. With both the Moon and Mars in Mercury-ruled signs, there is a tendency towards anxiety and overthinking.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Virgo, 2nd Quarter
Moon Trine Uranus: Apr 15, 6:39 AM PDT
Venus Square Jupiter: Apr 15, 4:14 PM PDT
Moon Square Mars: Apr 15, 8:26 PM PDT
See Current Chart