Astrology of Sunday, November 4th 2018
November 4, 2018
Astrology of Tuesday, November 6th 2018
November 6, 2018The Sun in Scorpio completes a trine with Neptune in Pisces today, blending the fiercely personal waters which the scorpion tends with the transpersonal oceans whose droplets Neptune dispenses. This provides the entire day with an emotional and imaginative undercurrent.
The first portion of the day is overshadowed by the Moon in Libra’s square to Pluto in Capricorn. As we move to afternoon, however, the Moon’s evening trine with red Mars takes precedence, adding fire to relatively listless skies.
The most important alignment comes during the night, as the Moon conjoins retrograde Venus in Libra, which shines Luna’s black-and-silver spotlight to bear on processes of emotional and interpersonal metamorphosis. Though still retrograde, Venus and the Moon should be just barely visible together in the moments before dawn. During those moments, the Moon enters Scorpio, squares the Nodal Axis and opposes Uranus, setting the stage for Tuesday.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Libra -> Scorpio, 4th Quarter
Moon Square Pluto: Nov 05 2018 9:56 AM
Moon Trine Mars: Nov 05 2018 6:44 PM
Sun Trine Neptune: Nov 05 2018 10:39 PM
Moon Conjunct Venus: Nov 06 2018 12:21 AM
Moon Enters Scorpio: Nov 06 2018 5:05 AM
Moon Opposite Uranus: Nov 06 2018 5:06 AM
Moon Square Nodal Axis (North Bending): Nov 06 2018 5:09 AM
See Current Chart