Astrology of Sunday, October 21st 2018
October 21, 2018
Astrology of Tuesday, October 23rd 2018
October 23, 2018Monday begins with the peppy Moon in Aries’ square with slow and serious Saturn, which may start things out on a frustrated note. Fortunately, the Moon gets increasingly free of Saturn as the day progresses, and the abundant light of the nearly-full Moon in Aries increasingly pervades the atmosphere.
Somewhere in the secret depths of night, the Sun sneaks into Scorpio. In the Scorpion’s sign, the Sun’s light penetrates the surface, diving below to illuminate both hidden gems and nasty secrets. The truth of desire and instinct are both revealed and stimulated by the Sun’s time in Scorpio, which will last until November 22nd.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Aries, 2nd Quarter
Moon Square Saturn: Oct 22 2018 7:53 AM
Mercury Sextile Pluto: Oct 22 2018 12:13 PM
Sun Enters Scorpio: Oct 23 2018 4:22 AM
See Current Chart