Astrology of Friday, July 17th 2020
July 17, 2020
Astrology of Sunday, July 19th 2020
July 19, 2020Early early morning, the Moon conjoins the hungry Head of the Dragon in Gemini, stirring up a sticky cluster of sunrise thoughts. Though the Moon enters emotional Cancer shortly thereafter, the emphasis stays on sorting words and ideas. This is due to the fact that the Moon spends near the entirety of Saturday closing in on an evening conjunction with Mercury. Though Mercury has been direct for nearly a week now, there are still likely matters and feelings, to sort out. Though some things will be sorted through dissolution, others will be changed by electrification. A late-night connection between the Moon and Uranus activates the upcoming Mercury-Uranus sextile, catalyzing new angles on old problems.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Gemini -> Cancer, 4th Quarter
Moon Conjunct Head: Jul 18th, 5:28 AM PDT
Moon Enters Cancer: Jul 18th, 7:19 AM PDT
Moon Conjunct Mercury: Jul 18th, 9:15 PM PDT
Moon Sextile Uranus: Jul 19th, 2:18 AM PDT
See Current Chart