[The Astrology Podcast] June Forecast
June 1, 2019
Astrology of Monday, June 3rd 2019
June 3, 2019Sunday hosts the New Moon in Gemini. The Sun and the Moon find each other again, this time in the middle decan of Gemini. Together, the two end one cycle and concoct another. Unwind from the last month, empty your eyes of what you’ve seen so you can take in what’s coming next. It’s a dark and moonless night, perfect for a moment of emptiness, an outbreath held for just a few extra seconds.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Gemini, New Moon
Venus Trine Pluto: Jun 2, 8:41 PM PDT
New Moon: Jun 3, 2:58 AM PDT
See Current Chart