Astrology of Saturday, May 11th 2019
May 11, 2019
Astrology of Monday, May 13th 2019
May 13, 2019The Moon enters Virgo during the first part of the day, grounding Sunday in the details. The Moon’s ingress into the Virgin’s sign tips the elemental scale significantly toward Earth, as the Sun, Mercury, Uranus, Saturn, Pluto, and Ketu are all already in Earth signs. The Moon’s time in Virgo for the next few days thus has a strong practical gravity, and so you would do well to attend to concrete affairs.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Leo -> Virgo, 2nd Quarter
Moon Enters Virgo: May 12, 9:20 AM PDT
Moon Trine Uranus: May 12, 3:33 PM PDT
See Current Chart