Astrology of Wednesday, June 26th 2019
June 26, 2019
Astrology of Friday, June 28th 2019
June 28, 2019The Moon enters Taurus early on Thursday, providing a low-key practical baseline for the next couple days. Luna squares newly-ingressed Mercury in Leo first thing, making for a conversational morning filled with more than few novel thoughts. The focus on new ideas and different perspectives is further supported by the Sun in Cancer’s perfect sextile with Uranus and the Moon’s afternoon conjunction with the innovative, electric planet. The mind turns toward the unprecedented today, either to anticipate it or adapt to it.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Taurus, 4th Quarter
Moon Enters Taurus: Jun 27, 6:27 AM PDT
Moon Square Mercury: Jun 27, 7:16 AM PDT
Sun Sextile Uranus Jun 27, 10:44 AM PDT
Moon Conjunct Uranus: Jun 27, 5:33 PM PDT
Moon Sextile Sun: Jun 27, 6:04 PM PDT
See Current Chart