Astrology of Wednesday, November 20th 2019
November 20, 2019
Astrology of Thursday, November 22nd 2019
November 22, 2019Revel-ready Venus and jovial Jupiter spend Thursday uplifting a fastidious Moon in Virgo, and with good result. The afternoon period where the Moon is between aspects to the two benefics is a particularly well-omened slice of time.
Come evening, the Moon makes a brief sextile to the Sun and then saunters into stately Libra, setting a social tone for the night. Whisper what secrets you will to each other, for these are the Sun’s last hours in covert Scorpio this year.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Virgo -> Libra, 4th Quarter
Moon Square Venus: Nov 21, 11:37 AM PST
Moon Square Jupiter: Nov 21, 4:24 PM PST
Moon Sextile Sun: Nov 21, 7:30 PM PST
Moon Enters Libra: Nov 21, 8:18 PM PST
See Current Chart