Astrology of Wednesday, November 21st 2018
November 21, 2018
Sagittarius 2018 (Nov 21 – Dec 21): An Arrow’s Intent
November 22, 2018The Sun’s first full day in Sagittarius begins with the Moon waxing through the late degrees of Taurus. The Taurus Moon steadies the daylight hours, carrying matters forward on its solid shoulders. Sunset, however, sees the Moon cross from steady Taurus into talkative, speedy Gemini. It is in the sign of the Twins that the Moon reaches perfect Fullness.
This Full Moon, with the Sun in Sagittarius and Luna in Gemini, highlights the relationship between the big and the small, the far and the near, the whole and its parts. The Sun and Jupiter in Sagittarius shine on what is great and meaningful. They frame life as a quest, an epic tale. The Moon in Gemini, however, throws its beams across a hundred details and ideas, illuminating this lofty side of life as a buzzing hive of actions, errands and conversations. Life is, of course, both great and small, epic and mundane, and this lunation is a chance to reconcile the two, to make sure that we haven’t forgotten one side or the other.
In addition to the Sun and Moon’s clear juxtaposition, there is Mars in Pisces, tightly perpendicular to both. Mars speaks to a busy set of weeks to follow. Between long- and short-term goals, there is much that needs to get done. Mars also adds a rowdiness to the night itself, although its configuration to tempering Jupiter and conjunction with the dreaming star Fomulhaut suggest that the fire it adds will be enough to heat things up, but not burn them.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Taurus -> Gemini, Full Moon
Tithi 15, Air Saturn
Nak Krittika
Moon Enters Gemini: Nov 22 2018 8:08 PM
Full Moon: Nov 22 2018 9:37 PM
Moon Opposite Jupiter: Nov 23 2018 1:44 AM
Moon Square Mars: Nov 23 2018 4:07 AM
See Current Chart