Astrology of Monday, April 15th 2019
April 15, 2019
Astrology of Wednesday, April 17th 2019
April 17, 2019The day begin with the Moon in Virgo’s delirium-inducing opposition with daydreaming Neptune in Pisces, but by mid-day the quality changes to grounded and responsible, courtesy of the Moon’s trine with organized Saturn in Capricorn. A trine with Pluto follows during the afternoon, haunting it ever-so-slightly.
Evening hosts the Moon’s configuration to both Jupiter and Venus, and is briefly held between the rays of the benefics. This auspicious pocket begins a surprisingly pleasant night. Speaking of pleasant, Mercury, after two months in the Fishes’ sign, finally leaves Pisces tonight. In the Ram’s sign, Mercury is bright, sharp and direct, favoring straightforward communication and quick fixes. Mercury is especially cutting and swift in Aries this year, due to its mutual reception with Mars in Gemini. The Messenger will be in Aries until May 6th this year.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Virgo -> Libra, 2nd Quarter
Moon Opposite Neptune: Apr 16, 8:08 AM PDT
Moon Trine Saturn: Apr 16, 12:40 PM PDT
Moon Trine Pluto: Apr 16, 5:10 PM PDT
Moon Square Jupiter: Apr 16, 7:02 PM PDT
Moon Opposite Venus: Apr 16, 9:29 PM PDT
Mercury Enters Aries: Apr 16, 11:00 PM PDT
Moon Enters Libra: Apr 17, 4:22 AM PDT
Moon Opposite Mercury: Apr 17, 4:51 AM PDT
See Current Chart