Astrology of Monday, January 28th 2019
January 28, 2019
Astrology of Wednesday, January 30th 2019
January 30, 2019The Moon enters enthusiastic Sagittarius first thing on Tuesday, starting off Mars’ day with a flash of fire. The Moon gallops steadily throughout the day toward a sextile with the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius. The Sun and Mercury conjoin perfectly today, putting them in a line with the Earth. This, the superior conjunction, sees Mercury on the far side of the Sun, where it acts like a telescope, magnifying our ability to look out into the universe, away from our small selves. It is a fine configuration for contemplating the far-flung mysteries of both physical and psychic space.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Sagittarius, 4th Quarter
Moon Enters Sagittarius: Jan 29 2019 6:36 AM
Sun Conjunct Mercury: Jan 29 2019 6:50 PM
Moon Sextile Sun: Jan 30 2019 2:07 AM
Moon Sextile Mercury: Jan 30 2019 2:36 AM
See Current Chart