Astrology of Monday, July 15th 2019
July 15, 2019
Astrology of Wednesday, July 17th 2019
July 17, 2019A lunar eclipse in Capricorn hangs quietly behind Tuesday’s daylight. Today’s shadow across the Moon is the complement and completion of July 2nd’s solar eclipse, a blood Moon to go with the darkened Sun. This lunar eclipse occurs in the Goat’s sign, next to Pluto, Saturn, and the Dragon’s Tail, underlining the tasks which this trio assigned back in January.
The work is excavation, unburying. Past actions pile up, but that they are immune to shovels. Attachments grow into restrictive entanglement, but like vines they fall to the sharpened blade. The dead haunt houses and possess the living, but they are not invulnerable to exorcism, or kindness. This is an eclipse for clearing away, digging out, and letting go. Make space.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Capricorn -> Aquarius, Lunar Eclipse
Moon Conjunct Pluto: Jul 16, 10:19 AM PDT
Lunar Eclipse: Jul 16, 2:30 PM PDT
Venus Opposite Saturn Jul 16, 10:33 PM PDT
Moon Enters Aquarius: Jul 17, 2:20 AM PDT
Moon Opposite Mercury: Jul 17, 4:39 AM PDT
See Current Chart