Astrology of Monday, July 8th 2019
July 8, 2019
Astrology of Wednesday, July 10th 2019
July 10, 2019A difficult day. The bright Sun makes an opposition to gloomy Saturn. This is Saturn’s brightest point in the year, like an annual Full Moon. Here the solar spotlight falls on obligations and obstructions, illuminating just how far we’ve come in the extensive cleaning out and clearing away that 2019 has mandated. Yet while the Sun opposes Saturn, it conjoins Rahu, the Dragon’s Head. While this may make the eventual benefit of cleaning and clearing easier to feel, Rahu also obscures and confuses the present.
While the Sun, Saturn and the Dragon tangle into a braid, the Moon spends the day square haunted Pluto, further focusing the skies on the importance of navigating and eventually escaping the underworld labyrinth of the past.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Libra -> Scorpio, 2nd Quarter
Sun Opposite Saturn: Jul 9, 10:06 AM PDT
Moon Square Pluto: Jul 9, 12:38 PM PDT
Sun Conjunct Dragon’s Head: Jul 9, 8:36 PM PDT
Moon Enters Scorpio: Jul 10, 2:31 AM PDT
See Current Chart