Astrology of Monday, March 25th 2019
March 25, 2019
Astrology of Wednesday, March 27th 2019
March 27, 2019Tuesday, as a whole, is blessed by the Moon’s close proximity to Jupiter in Sagittarius. The day starts with the Moon’s early-morning square with Neptune and almost-direct Mercury in Pisces. The last few hiccups of Mercury’s retrograde may take place in the morning, but it is more likely to be filled with an increasing clarity about how to move forward.
Tuesday afternoon has the good-fortune to host Venus’ entrance into Pisces. Venus is exalted in the Fishes’ sign, for while within those deep waters, the morning star excels at facilitating harmony and providing pleasure. In Pisces, Venus’ special capacity is to enjoy things as they arise and to let them go, without tears, as they fall away. Venus will be in Pisces until April 20th.
Venus’ glam entrance is followed by the Moon’s conjunction with benefic Jupiter, which gives the evening a very fine beginning. Feast and make merry, as with Venus’ ingress into Pisces, four of the seven visible planets are now in places where they are potent and happy. This uncommon excellence situation will continue until the Sun leaves Taurus on April 21st.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Sagittarius, 3rd Quarter
Moon Square Mercury: Mar 26, 5:08 AM PDT
Moon Square Neptune: Mar 26, 6:13 AM PDT
Venus Enters Pisces: Mar 26, 12:42 PM PDT
Moon Conjunct Jupiter: Mar 26, 7:38 PM PDT
See Current Chart
1 Comment
Another great synopsis.
I (fittingly?) Love your Language.
That Sun leaving Aries won’t happen fur a while, and I’m going to rather enjoy these next few weeks. How to move forward clarification? Indeed, I’m feeling it! I begin a very important project the first twelve days of April… So this sounds Auspicious! ^^