Astrology of Monday, May 13th 2019
May 13, 2019
Astrology of Wednesday, May 15th 2019
May 15, 2019Venus in Aries and Mars in Gemini form a perfect sextile today in the last degrees of their respective signs. This angle between the red and green planets blends the sweet with the spicy.
The Moon enters Libra mid-day, ending the last couple days’ Earth-sign dominance. The Moon’s movement into Libra shifts the focus for the second half of the day to Venus, emphasizing the social and relational.
Late-late night, Venus abandons Aries in for Taurus. When Venus is ensconced on her comfortable, bull-carved throne, she is more generous, doling out sweets and luxuries in greater portions than usual. Venus in Taurus also helps smooth out social dynamics and boosts our capacity to appreciate what-is. Venus will, however, be conjoined Uranus for the first several days of her stay in Taurus, which adds an unpredictable and volatile element to relational dynamics and the pursuit of pleasure. Venus will be in Taurus this year until June 8th.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Virgo -> Libra, 2nd Quarter
Venus Sextile Mars: May 14, 6:57 AM PDT
Moon Square Mars: May 14, 10:18 AM PDT
Moon Enters Libra: May 14, 11:50 AM PDT
Venus Enters Taurus: May 15, 2:45 AM PDT
See Current Chart