Astrology of Monday, October 22nd 2018
October 22, 2018
Scorpio 2018 (Oct 23 – Nov 21): Ordeal and Ascent
October 23, 2018The Sun rises for the first time in Mars-ruled Scorpio today. Appropriately enough, this is a Tuesday, the day of Mars, which begins with the almost-full Moon in Mars-ruled Aries’ sextile with Mars in Aquarius. If you’re not seeing the theme, we need to talk about your reading comprehension skills. Lean into the martial current today. Declare it a day of sacred ass- and task- kicking. Set an ambitious agenda and plow through it.
When the Sun sets in the West, the Moon and then Uranus will rise in the East. The Sun in Scorpio is perfectly opposed Uranus in Taurus today, which seeds the night with Uranus’ volatile, idealistic, revolutionary energy. All through the night, the bright Moon will draw increasingly close to radical Uranus, although the conjunction of the two, and the Moon’s moment of peak fullness, will not occur until tomorrow morning. Tuesday night will nonetheless be the fullest Moon those in the Americas witness.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Aries, 2nd Quarter
Moon Sextile Mars: Oct 23 2018 6:53 AM
Moon Square Pluto: Oct 23 2018 11:14 AM
Sun Opposite Uranus: Oct 23, 5:46 PM
See Current Chart
1 Comment
Not sure if these are accurate metaphors or not, as i am still learning (thanks to your recorded classes), but i thought id share it anyways…At 1130 am today, the ferry boat i was on had to make a detour to help a vessel in distress. The boat was on fire and was surrounded by navy vessels (this made me think of scorpio/water sign ruled by firey mars, plus the ” martial current” of the navy vessels and the suprise element of uranus) . What made this moment more interesting to me was that my spidey senses were tingling prior to the accident because the ferry ticket I received had the word PLUTO written on it, wyrd, right? thanks austin! yr tha shit.