Day and night have very different qualities. The Moon in Pisces spends the sunlit hours configured to Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn. This connection of watery Pisces and earthy Capricorn may make for somewhat muddy, slow terrain. It is certainly navigable, but is likely to become more of a slog the longer that the day goes.
Evening, however, brings a host of changes, as it sees Mercury, Venus, and the Moon all change signs. Retrograde Mercury is the first to cross a border. The Messenger retreats from Scorpio, backing into Libra. Matters of balance and fairness will be at the forefront while Mercury is in Libra, which will be until November 10th.
Venus’ ingress into Libra follows only minutes after Mercury’s regress. Venus is powerful in Libra, and pushes for harmonious relationships and graceful movement through the world. Though strong astride the Scales, this year Venus must negotiate with seething Mars and the heavy, gloom-laden pairing of Saturn and Pluto. The balance is thus set to swing between harmony and strife, fairness and foul play, throughout the morning star’s time in Libra. Venus will be in Libra until November 21st. Finally, late night, the Moon enters Aries and opposes newly ingressed Venus in Libra, starting the scales swinging with a taste of what’s to come.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Pisces -> Aries, 2nd Quarter
Moon Sextile Jupiter: Oct 27th, 6:40 AM PDT
Moon Sextile Pluto: Oct 27th, 10:58 AM PDT
Moon Sextile Saturn: Oct 27th, 5:45 PM PDT
Mercury Enters Libra: Oct 27th, 6:36 PM PDT
Venus Enters Libra: Oct 27th, 6:40 PM PDT
Moon Enters Aries: Oct 28th, 1:45 AM PDT
Moon Opposite Venus: Oct 28th, 2:33 AM PDT
See Current Chart