Astrology of Tuesday, January 28th 2020
January 28, 2020
Astrology of Thursday, January 30th 2020
January 30, 2020The waxing Moon in Aries jogs, unimpeded, through the daylight, carrying us along with
its progress. As evening falls, though, Luna tangles with the Head and Tail of the Dragon,
squaring the eclipse axis. This complicates the direction of the day with larger issues and longer-term adjustments. This brief knot is unwound swiftly, though, by the Sun-Moon sextile later Wednesday night, which brings the gold and silver luminaries into a gently clarifying and temporarily harmonious arrangement.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Aries, 1st Quarter
Moon Square Head and Tail (South Bending): Jan 29, 7:51 PM
Moon Sextile Sun: Jan 29, 11:48 PM
See Current Chart