Astrology of Tuesday, July 16th 2019
July 16, 2019
Astrology of Thursday, July 18th 2019
July 18, 2019Wednesday’s post-eclipse Moon spends the day in a tense configuration with fiery Mars and catalytic Uranus. This is an unstable combination, ready and willing to ignite latent shifts. It stimulates excitement be directed usefully into creative engineering, though can inflame difficulties already present in tense interpersonal situations.
Meanwhile, Venus spends the day conjunct Rahu, the Dragon’s Head, in Cancer. This pairing makes the emotional energy “stickier” and desires harder to wrangle. Venus is also currently opposite Saturn, which denies or delays gratification, thus laying out a hard road for those who seek pleasure today.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Aquarius, 3rd Quarter
Moon Square Uranus: Jul 17, 2:53 PM PDT
Venus Conjunct Dragon’s Head: Jul 17, 5:44 PM PDT
Moon Opposite Mars: Jul 17, 10:50 PM PDT
See Current Chart