Astrology of Tuesday, March 17th 2020
March 17, 2020
Astrology of Thursday, March 19th 2020
March 19, 2020The Moon spends the daylight in late Capricorn, conjoined first to dark Pluto and then to heavy
Saturn. The space between these two planets is daunting and hard, but it is exactly that space,
between a rock and a haunted place, that victory or defeat will be decided this year. Though not
the only nor the last, today is one our handful of visits to this place of outcomes.
Yet after sunset, we depart for another site entirely. The Moon enters Aquarius during the
evening, exchanging the day’s pressures for a night of near-future possibilities, some of which are
subject to sudden change.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Capricorn -> Aquarius, 4th Quarter
Moon Conjunct Pluto: Mar 18, 7:55 AM PDT
Moon Sextile Sun: Mar 18, 3:56 PM PDT
Moon Conjunct Saturn: Mar 18, 5:48 PM PDT
Moon Enters Aquarius: Mar 18, 6:16 PM PDT
Moon Square Uranus: Mar 19, 3:06 AM PDT
See Current Chart