The Lot of the Father: Traditional Astrology and the Menendez Brothers Single Presentation
November 27, 2023
A Horde of Triplets: Understanding Three-Planet Combinations 4-Hour Video Workshop
November 27, 202336 Dramas: Essential Planetary Relationships 4-Hour Video Workshop
Relationships between planets are at the core of astrology. The planets’ contentions, alliances, partnerships, and attacks upon one another are the central drama described by every chart. At the heart of each of these stories is a pair of planets, their signature dynamics played out in a mythic cycle. This workshop is a return to those fundamental relationships. Using Hellenistic texts on planetary pairs, two-planet Lot formulae, Vedic dwigraha yogas, and theories of planetary friendship and enmity, we will spend the day exploring the 36 fundamental combinations of the 7 visible planets and the Head and Tail of the Dragon.
What you get: Three MP4 download links, amounting to a 4-hour Workshop recorded live in audio and video format. Files are instantly available to download after purchase from the My Account section.
Cost: $81
Great class! This subject tends to get presented in dry, prescriptive, textbook-like manners. Coppock's class offers a fun thorough, engaging, and refreshingly humorous approach.
36 Dramas: Essential Planetary Relationships <span class="eventinfo">4-Hour Video Workshop</span>