Planetary Charity Single Presentation
March 13, 2023
Planetary Decades Single Presentation
November 25, 2023The Celestial Lapidary: Beyond Birthstones Single Presentation
What glitters above, glitters below. The stars, signs, and planets have long been associated with particular stones. Unfortunately, these linkages have devolved into mere curiosity as “birth stones.” They are, however, so much more. In order to restore the connection between sky and stone, we’ll delve into the mineral-lore of traditional Western astrological texts, explore Vedic remedial gemstone theory, and the talismanic approach to stones found in the Picatrix and related astrological magic texts.
How does this guy do it? Taking such lofty themes and then explaining them in the manner of a car mechanic. I reached the end of this lecture with brain and heart awed by the notion of the 'patternings of the light' being enclosed in the earthly realm, and hands full of actionable tips and tricks. The two main ways of working astrologically with stones deftly categorised into 'single and married stones' would be an example of cutting through a confusing terrain with one neat, memorable phrase. Great walkthroughs of how to relate a stone to a natal chart, and how to choose and then wear a stone. Also i loved that austin upfronted the fact that the sometimes contradictory charts of planetary gemstone correspondences can be headache inducing. I actually bought the lecture because i was having just such a headache, but using a combination of common sense and centring our intuition, austin managed to help us figure out which of the many options would be most appropriate for a given purpose. Also, very importantly, i felt that when austin was talking for example about how it can be imp ortant to use stones to ground and protect around Saturn work, as saturns cold uncompromising gaze into the future can be frankly emotionally quite scary, that he genuinely cared about this art being used in the safest way possible.
I always love how Austin contextualizes the material and addresses common misconceptions. This lecture cleared up years of questions!
I never considered that the stones I am attracted to might not be helpful to wear, carry or use. Black onyx is my usual choice for protection from negative energy, but it is Saturn’s color and a malific in my chart. So do I inadvertently create problems for myself by always wearing an onyx?
Austin presents a brief examination of the topic of stones and the planets they represent. An entertaining hour long introduction to the topic. Wish it was longer.