Astrology of Thursday, November 22nd 2019
November 22, 2019[The Astrology Podcast] December Forecast
December 1, 2019Venus enters Capricorn today. The aesthetics of this position are perhaps best seen through architecture, which mixes the power of the manifest with the beauty of structure. In matters of desire, Venus in Capricorn counsels us with the wisdom of delayed gratification. Restraint need not be a matter of repression, merely patience. Venus comes to Capricorn seeking earthy delights and assurances, and there are manifest pleasures to be found. Venus’ time in Capricorn this year, which runs until December 19th, will be more difficult than usual, as the morning star must share the Goat’s sign with the South Node, Saturn, and Pluto.
The bulk of Monday is low energy, due to the Moon being waned down to nothing in Scorpio. Late night, Luna enters Sagittarius and prepares to conjoin the Sun there. Together, the two will bury the old lunar month and bring to life a new one, but not until tomorrow.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Scorpio -> Sagittarius, 4th Quarter
Moon Sextile Pluto: Nov 25, 9:31 AM PST
Venus Enters Capricorn: Nov 25, 4:28 PM PST
Moon Enters Sagittarius: Nov 26, 12:14 AM PST
See Current Chart