Astrology of Thursday, April 6th
April 5, 2017Astrology of Saturday, April 8th
April 7, 2017Friday begins with the Mercury-ruled Virgo Moon’s trine with almost-retrograde Mercury in Taurus. Needless to say, this makes Friday prime time for Mercury retrograde hijinks. Yet it’s also an opportunity to identify such problems and to nip them in the bud.
While the Moon and Mercury expose faulty wiring, the Sun in Aries opposes Jupiter in Libra. This opposition sees Jupiter rise bright and close at sunset, but at cross purposes with the Sun. Allow yourself to reflect critically on plans for growth, yet do not give up on a better life or better self.
Finally, during the evening hours, the Moon makes an opposition to Neptune, which troubles clarity and blunts precision. Keep your Friday night plans simple, with room for intoxication.
April Essay
Moon in Virgo, 2nd Quarter
Moon Trine Mercury: Apr 07 2017 5:40 AM
Sun Opposite Jupiter: Apr 07 2017 2:38 PM
Moon Opposite Neptune: Apr 07 2017 9:34 PM
See Current Chart