[The Astrology Podcast] Saturn in Capricorn: Major Themes From 2017–2020
January 18, 2018
Astrology of Saturday, January 20th 2018
January 19, 2018The Moon splashes into Pisces mid-day and Mercury makes a pleasant sextile with Neptune, all together giving the day a nice, imaginative flow. Imaginative, but not imaginary, as the Moon’s aspect with Saturn in Capricorn helps keep things relatively grounded.
Come evening, the Sun abandons Capricorn’s mountain-top view for the more abstract vistas of Aquarius. In Aquarius, the Sun’s light falls across the landscape of potential futures, upon which trajectories, like roads, weave together and diverge. The Sun will be in the water-bearer’s sign until February 18th.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Aquarius -> Pisces, 1st Quarter
Moon Enters Pisces: Jan 19 2018 12:25 PM
Mercury Sextile Neptune: Jan 19 2018 5:07 PM
Sun Enters Aquarius: Jan 19 2018 7:08 PM
Moon Sextile Saturn: Jan 19 2018 7:25 PM
See Current Chart