Astrology of Thursday, November 9th
November 8, 2017
Astrology of Saturday, November 11th
November 10, 2017The Moon in Leo makes a perfect grand fire trine with Saturn and Uranus today, precisely as the two complete their third and final trine. As I wrote of this series at the beginning of year:
“Though the trine (120 degrees) is usually a happy angle, through which energy is easily exchanged, Uranus and Saturn do not generally play together well. While Saturn stabilizes, Uranus disrupts. Where Saturn looks to history, Uranus points to the future. Saturn demands order, Uranus chaos. Uranus’ trine with Saturn thus challenges our plans and expectations by throwing black swans in our path. The distant planet slips wild cards into our deck, making it difficult to count cards and project probable outcomes. The plans we make must therefore be resilient, capable of incorporating unexpected changes. Our goals may remain the same, but we will benefit from being flexible about which path we take to their completion. The Saturn-Uranus trine punishes rigid protocols and rewards adaptability.”
Today is thus the last perfect installment in a series of intersections between the revolutionary and the steady, the secure and the experimental. Though the two begin to drift apart from here, the angle between them will remain energized until the solstice, when Saturn enters Capricorn.
Astrology of Nov 2nd – Nov 12th
Moon in Leo, 3rd -> 4th Quarter
Pushya -> Ashlesha
Moon Square Sun: Nov 10 2017 12:40 PM
Moon Conjunct Rahu: Nov 10 2017 2:41 PM
Moon Trine Saturn: Nov 11 2017 12:59 AM
Moon Trine Uranus: Nov 11 2017 12:59 AM
Saturn Trine Uranus: Nov 11 2017 1:44 AM
See Current Chart