Astrology of Thursday, September 7th
September 6, 2017
Astrology of Saturday, September 9th
September 9, 2017Friday begins with a fun morning trine between the Moon in Aries and Venus in Leo, lending those hours a measure of good will and enthusiasm. Yet shortly thereafter, the Moon squares Pluto in Capricorn, just as the Sun in Virgo perfects a trine to the dark and distant body. Both the lights in aspect to Pluto suggests the emergence of uncomfortable insights, or perhaps the unsettling presence of secrets just beyond the range of our vision.
This portal to the underworld closes, as the Moon trines serious Saturn around sunset, giving the second half of the afternoon a potentially productive, if rather duty-bound quality. Finally, Friday night sees the Moon move into opposition with Jupiter in Libra, which buoys the evening with an upbeat electricity.
Astrology of Sep 2nd – 12th
Moon in Aries, 3rd Quarter
Moon Trine Venus: Sep 08 2017 9:28 AM
Moon Square Pluto: Sep 08 2017 10:46 AM
Moon Trine Saturn: Sep 08 2017 6:26 PM
Moon Opposite Jupiter: Sep 08 2017 10:14 PM
Sun Trine Pluto: Sep 09 2017 3:45 AM
See Current Chart