Astrology of Sunday, February 12th
February 11, 2017
Astrology of Tuesday, February 14th
February 13, 2017The day begins with the Moon at the very end of Virgo, with a few worries still clinging to it. During the afternoon, though, Luna saunters into more mellow Libra.
Meanwhile, the Sun in Aquarius completes a sextile with Saturn today. This aspect is helpful for works of organization and feats of discipline. Pick an area to bring a little order to.
Evening sees the Moon in Libra move toward a late night opposition with Venus in Aries, giving it a moody air which turns easily from joy to anger and back again.
February Essay + Your Horoscope
Moon in Virgo -> Libra, 3rd Quarter
Moon Enters Libra: Feb 13, 12:44 PM
Sun Sextile Saturn: Feb 13, 9:57 PM
Moon Opposite Venus: Feb 14, 2:55 AM
See Current Chart