Astrology of Thursday, April 11th 2019
April 11, 2019
Astrology of Saturday, April 13th 2019
April 13, 2019Friday is busy with planetary action. The majority of planets are currently in the late degrees of the signs, suggesting many matters in the end-stages of not-quite-there.
The Moon in Cancer aspects both Venus in Pisces and Saturn in Capricorn, just as the two perfect a sextile. Saturn and Venus serve both sadness and joy, swirling the two into a bittersweet treat which flavors the day. That dark chocolate vibe is further heightened by the Sun in Aries’ exact square with Pluto in Capricorn today, which sees sunbeams chasing shadows in the depths. The Moon aspects both the Sun and Pluto mid-day, further activating the combination, as well as signaling our entrance into the busy second quarter of the lunar month.
Come nightfall, a half-Moon appears in the sky. Late night, Luna enters Leo and makes a wee-hours square with Uranus, breaking Friday’s melancholy spell in preparation for a bright and bold weekend.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Cancer ->, 1st -> 2nd Quarter
Moon Trine Venus: Apr 12, 8:01 AM PDT
Moon Opposite Saturn: Apr 12, 8:01 AM PDT
Venus Sextile Saturn: Apr 12, 8:07 AM PDT
Moon Conjunct Dragon’s Head: Apr 12, 11:05 AM PDT
Moon Square Sun: Apr 12, 12:03 PM PDT
Moon Opposite Pluto: Apr 12, 12:58 PM PDT
Moon Square Mercury: Apr 12, 4:32 PM PDT
Sun Square Pluto: Apr 13, 1:06 AM PDT
Moon Enters Leo: Apr 13, 12:47 AM PDT
Moon Square Uranus: Apr 13, 4:10 AM PDT
See Current Chart
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Great astrologer, great articles. Thanks a lot Patreon.