Astrology of Thursday, April 4th 2019
April 4, 2019
Astrology of Saturday, April 6th 2019
April 6, 2019The day starts off on a hard note, with the barely-waxing Moon in Aries forced to contend with a heavy square to Saturn in Capricorn, a square to the Nodal Axis, and then another square to dark Pluto. It being the day of Venus smooths some of the rough edges, but the Moon’s configuration to the pile up makes for slow going.
Fortunately, the Moon makes a restorative trine to upbeat Jupiter during the evening, setting the stage for a night far better than the day which preceded it.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Aries, 1st Quarter
Moon Square Saturn: Apr 5, 10:58 AM PDT
Moon Square Nodal Axis: Apr 5, 4:17 PM PDT
Moon Square Pluto: Apr 5, 4:51 PM PDT
Moon Trine Jupiter: Apr 5, 7:14 PM PDT
See Current Chart