Astrology of Wednesday, April 3rd 2019
April 3, 2019
Astrology of Friday, April 5th 2019
April 5, 2019The Sun and Moon find each other again, this time in Aries. This New Moon asks us to remember our potential. Not who we’ve been, or who we think we are now, but who know we could be, what we suspect we might be capable of in our healthiest moments.
This is a challenging thing to do most times, and it is more difficult, and more important, to do now. As described by the conjunction of Pluto and the Dragon’s Tail today, the past weighs oh-so-heavily on the present, threatening to flatten our futures into two-dimensional submission. The hero’s journey this New Moon augurs leads through the land of the dead, but ends in the recovery of what we still could be.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Aries, 4th Quarter
Pluto Conjunct South Node: Apr 4, 12:16 PM PDT
New Moon: Apr 5, 1:47 AM PDT
See Current Chart
1 Comment
It’s right on me and my twin sisters Jupiter at 14°54″ Aries 10th house ??? and activating our cardinal grand cross ?