Astrology of Thursday, August 2nd 2018
August 2, 2018
Astrology of Monday, August 6th 2018
August 6, 2018The Moon enters Taurus mid-day on Friday, and there re-activates the explosive square between retrograde Mars in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. Squared, Uranus and Mars ignite latent empowerments, as well as improperly stored powder-kegs. Afternoon plans may go awry, so consider leaving things unstructured enough to adapt to what arises.
The evening trine between the Moon in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn roots time back in earthly matters. Although this grounds out the evening, it is not particularly luxurious or soothing. Luna hits the south bending, the point perpendicular to the head and tail of dragon, late night, wrapping it loosely in the serpent’s coiled questions.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Aries -> Taurus, 3rd Quarter
Moon Enters Taurus: Aug 03 2018 12:48 PM
Moon Square Mars: Aug 03 2018 4:37 PM
Moon Conjunct Uranus: Aug 03 2018 5:31 PM
Moon Trine Saturn: Aug 03 2018 7:04 PM
Moon Square Nodal Axis (South Bending): Aug 03 2018 11:32 PM
See Current Chart
1 Comment
It’s turning out to be a fantastic month for bridge burning. Hurts so bad, but feels so good at the same time.