Astrology of Thursday, January 9th 2020
January 9, 2020
Astrology of Saturday, January 11th 2020
January 11, 2020Friday’s skies are full of portents. First, Mercury and the Sun conjoin perfectly during the morning hours. Mercury, on the far side of the Sun from the Earth, acts as an antenna for sending and receiving ideas from further out.
Only hours later, across the Earth from the Sun and Mercury, the Full Moon is reddened by shadow. The penumbral eclipse which occurs today is the counterpart of the solar eclipse two weeks ago. While the solar eclipse on the Tail showed us how to sweep away the unnecessary, this lunar eclipse suggests what we might fill that void with. This powerful lunation will mobilize great tides of feeling, as it churns up what we care most deeply about.
As if the Sun-Mercury conjunction and a lunar eclipse were not enough, today also seeing Uranus station direct, bringing an end to months of retrograde motion. Uranus’ about-face adds a catalytic spark to the celestial downpour, further volatizing today’s high-octane cocktail.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Cancer -> Leo, Lunar Eclipse
Sun Conjunct Mercury: Jan 10, 7:18 AM PST
Lunar Eclipse Jan 10, 11:09 AM PST
Moon Opposite Mercury: Jan 10, 11:30 AM PST
Moon Opposite Saturn: Jan 10, 3:42 PM PST
Moon Opposite Pluto: Jan 10, 3:57 PM PST
Uranus Stations Direct Jan 10, 5:49 PM PST
Moon Enters Leo: Jan 11, 4:12 AM PST
See Current Chart