Astrology of Friday, January 10th 2020
January 10, 2020
Astrology of Sunday, January 12th 2020
January 12, 2020There are two separate themes today. The first is described by the agitated Moon in Leo, which is first electrified by a disruptive square to Uranus, and then inflamed by a trine with Mars in Sagittarius. The mood and energy is hot and active.
The second half of today is Mercury’s exact conjunctions with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, which will perfect their conjunction with each other tomorrow. This brings thought and communications to bear on hard, heavy, enduring, and intimidating matters. These skew toward the extremes of scale, both the deeply, intergenerationally personal and the grand historical-global. Structures, blockages, and the like are easy to map under this configuration, but not nearly so easy to resolve.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Leo, 3rd Quarter
Moon Square Uranus: Jan 11, 8:40 AM PST
Moon Trine Mars: Jan 11, 1:51 PM PST
Mercury Conjunct Saturn Jan 12, 1:50 AM PST
Mercury Conjunct Pluto Jan 12, 2:13 AM PST
See Current Chart