Astrology of Thursday, June 20th 2019
June 20, 2019
Astrology of Monday, June 24th 2019
June 25, 2019Friday begins with the Moon in Aquarius’ sextile with Jupiter in Sagittarius, starting the day off on a mildly positive note.
Meanwhile, Neptune stations retrograde today at 18 Pisces, beginning its annual retreat. Neptune’s retrograde phase asks us to become more critical of the stories we’ve been telling ourselves. Like a harvest of seaweed, dreams need to washed and dried before they can become food. The other blue planet will be retrograde until November 27th.
Last but most certainly not least, today is the solstice, the point of maximum inequality between day and night. It marks the longest days of the northern hemisphere’s year and the longest nights of the south.
The solstice sees the Sun cross from tropical Gemini into Cancer. While Gemini volatizes and divides, Cancer condenses and unifies. Attention drops from heads into hearts. Words fall away to reveal the emotions propelling them. Take the crab’s outstretched claw and walk the spiral path back to the origin of things.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Aquarius, 3rd Quarter
Moon Sextile Jupiter: Jun 21, 7:03 AM PDT
Neptune Stations Retrograde: Jun 21, 7:37 AM PDT
Sun Enters Cancer: Jun 21, 8:53 AM PDT
See Current Chart