Astrology of Thursday, May 23rd 2019
June 1, 2019
Astrology of Saturday, May 25th 2019
June 1, 2019Friday’s skies are nice indeed, for the Moon spends their entirety between the aspects of the two benefics, Venus and Jupiter. The Moon in airy Aquarius makes pleasing square with Venus in Taurus during the first part of Friday, lubricating social dynamics and offering various enjoyments. While this aspect fades, the Moon’s sextile to buoyant, wisdom-seeking Jupiter slows grows, especially after night fall. Though there is more than candy and delight stocked in the celestial cupboard right now, Friday’s skies privilege the pleasant bits.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Aquarius, 3rd Quarter
Moon Square Venus: May 24, 9:18 AM PDT
Moon Sextile Jupiter: May 25, 5:51 AM PDT
See Current Chart