[The Astrology Podcast] October Forecast
October 1, 2020
Astrology of Saturday, October 3rd 2020
October 3, 2020Friday begins with the just-past-Full Moon’s square to Jupiter in Capricorn, which supports efforts to improve situations or moods. This buttressing influence dissipates throughout the day, though, in order to make way for a decidedly harsh evening.
In the meantime, Venus changes signs. The morning star leaves loud Leo behind and enters very-specific Virgo during the afternoon. In Virgo, Venus finds joy in the details of finely created moments, and runs quality control on shoddily produced pleasures. This desire for flawlessness brings attention to the nuance of craft, and can spur impressive efforts, but it can also magnify dissatisfactions. This is a trap, and it is because of this snare that Venus is considered to be in Fall in the Virgin’s sign. Venus will be in Virgo until October 27th.
Venus’ afternoon entrance into Virgo is a nice interlude, but it does not stop night’s harsh configurations from arriving. The Moon spends the evening conjunct ghost pepper hot Mars and square the oppressive Saturn-Pluto pairing. Here we’re between a rock and a hot place, and it is a combination is best waited out or slept through. It is intense, but not long in duration.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Aries, 3rd Quarter
Moon Square Jupiter: Oct 2nd, 7:58 AM PDT
Venus Enters Virgo: Oct 2nd, 1:47 PM PDT
Moon Square Pluto: Oct 2nd, 4:58 PM PDT
Moon Conjunct Mars: Oct 2nd, 8:56 PM PDT
Moon Square Saturn: Oct 2nd, 10:47 PM PDT
See Current Chart