Astrology of Thursday, October 4th 2018
October 4, 2018
Astrology of Saturday, October 6th 2018
October 6, 2018Venus stations retrograde at 10 Scorpio today. Though this is the true beginning of Venus’ backward motion, the planet has been already been slowing for weeks in preparation. During that time her light fell across matters due to be revisited, reflected upon and reworked. The heart is often a more chaotic place during Venus’ retrogrades, as the bright planet’s underworld journey unchains complexes of restrained emotion. Hidden loves and hates are unbound while desire and aversion run unchecked. Though it can feel like a visit to the chaotic tempest described in the second level of Dante’s inferno, wherein the lustful dwell, there is a floor to this cavern. Embedded in it are glittering gems— hard, gleaming nuggets of truth. Venus will walk these hidden, howling tunnels until November 16th, when she stations direct.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Leo ->Virgo, 4th Quarter
Venus Stations Retrograde: Oct 05 2018 12:05 PM
Moon Enters Virgo: Oct 05 2018 4:18 PM
Moon Trine Uranus: Oct 05 2018 6:27 PM
Moon Trine Saturn: Oct 05 2018 9:42 PM
See Current Chart