Astrology of Thursday, September 12th 2019
September 12, 2019
Astrology of Saturday, September 14th 2019
September 14, 2019September’s skies have so far been buried by an abundance of planets in practical Earth signs, but tonight’s Full Moon is a potent and enchanting counterpoint to this recent over-emphasis of the mundane.
In mysterious Pisces and conjunct phantasmagoric Neptune, the beams of Friday’s Full Moon illuminate the neglected recesses of the soul, throwing a brilliant silver spotlight across the imaginal. This deeper and wider space is crucial, for only it can hold all that’s happened, and what is about to occur. The soul is the only cauldron big enough to cook all of those dreams, loves, and pains together.
While the bright Moon holds our attention rapt, Mercury sneaks into Libra, with plans to pull cogitations and communications in a diplomatic and aesthetic direction until October 3rd. It is worth noting that Venus will follow Mercury into Libra tomorrow, initiating a shift in dynamics which will endure for the rest of September.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Pisces, Full Moon
Moon Sextile Saturn: Sep 13, 7:03 AM PDT
Mercury Conjunct Venus: Sep 13, 8:11 AM PDT
Moon Square Jupiter: Sep 13, 11:33 AM PDT
Sun Trine Pluto: Sep 13, 12:41 PM PDT
Moon Opposite Mars: Sep 13, 1:10 PM PDT
Moon Conjunct Neptune: Sep 13, 1:43 PM PDT
Moon Sextile Pluto: Sep 13, 8:47 PM PDT
Full Moon: Sep 13, 9:31 PM PDT
Mars Opposite Neptune: Sep 13, 10:25 PM PDT
Mercury Enters Libra: Sep 14, 12:14 AM PDT
See Current Chart