Astrology of Friday, April 19th 2019
April 19, 2019
Astrology of Tuesday, April 23rd 2019
April 23, 2019The Moon in Sagittarius opposes red Mars mid-day, fueling motivation and irritation alike. Yet as the afternoon continues, the fire fades, as does the focus, due to the Moon’s square with disorienting, day-dreaming Neptune in Pisces.
All the while, it is today that the Sun completes its conjunction with Uranus in Taurus, the first to occur in the Bull’s sign for many decades. Fix your eye on the disruptions, mutations, and revelations which have been hovering above and shaking beneath the last several days. This breaking of patterns is a new pattern, due to repeat well into the next decade. Take heed.
Fortunately, evening is increasingly pleasant, due to the Moon edging closer and closer to a smiling, supportive conjunction with benefic Jupiter in Sagittarius during the wee hours.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Sagittarius, 3rd Quarter
Moon Opposite Mars: Apr 22, 11:22 AM PDT
Sun Conjunct Uranus: Apr 22, 4:06 PM PDT
Moon Square Neptune: Apr 22, 5:02 PM PDT
Moon Conjunct Jupiter: Apr 23, 4:49 AM PDT
See Current Chart