Astrology of Sunday, August 18th 2019
August 18, 2019
Astrology of Tuesday, August 20th 2019
August 20, 2019The spunky Moon in Aries makes contact with several planets, both benefic and malefic, making the day a bit of a mixed bag, and entailing a bit of back and forth. Things begin with Luna’s chatty trine to Mercury, emphasizing communication and cogitation during the first portion of the day. As Monday wears on, the Moon’s attention shifts to near-simultaneous contacts with Saturn and Jupiter. Jupiter is in strong position to uplift things while Saturn’s lead foot weighs heavy. Opportunity, obstacle, enthusiasm, and entropy all get a say in how the second part of Monday plays out.
As evening comes, the Moon gets briefly tangled in the Dragon’s coils, push-pulling the mind a bit during the sunset hours and complicating decision-making. Late night sees Luna haunted by square with Pluto, darkening a few dreams in the process.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Aries, 3rd Quarter
Moon Trine Mercury: Aug 19, 8:39 AM PDT
Moon Square Saturn: Aug 19, 2:54 PM PDT
Moon Trine Jupiter: Aug 19, 2:58 PM PDT
Moon Square Nodal Axis: Aug 19, 7:24 PM PDT
Moon Square Pluto: Aug 20, 3:50 AM PDT
See Current Chart