Astrology of Friday, August 3rd 2018
August 3, 2018
Astrology of Tuesday, August 7th 2018
August 7, 2018The configuration of the heavens is, today, pleasing. The Sun in Leo spends the day in a perfect square with Jupiter in Scorpio. While the Sun in Leo illuminates what is fiery and shining, Jupiter in Scorpio deepens understanding and wisdom through exploration and transmutation of what lies in shadow. Though the two qualities contradict each other, they are in this case complimentary.
Happily, Venus enters Libra today. Venus is strong in Libra, and in the sign of the scales helps to lubricate social mechanics, reconcile hard feelings and restore equilibrium. The bright planet will be in a difficult square to Saturn for the first few days it is in Libra, which will dim, but only temporarily, the positive effects of Venus in its own domicile. Venus will be in Libra until September 9th.
Evening sees the Moon sextile the Sun, the lights together generating a small harmony. Luna then moves on to a slightly befuddled square to Neptune, and then finally, late night, to a supportive sextile with retrograde Mercury, stocking the dark hours with necessary reflections on this season’s rearrangements.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
Moon in Gemini, 4th Quarter
Sun Square Jupiter: Aug 06 2018 4:27 PM
Venus Enters Libra: Aug 06 2018 4:27 PM
Moon Sextile Sun: Aug 06 2018 7:20 PM
Moon Square Neptune: Aug 06 2018 9:35 PM
Moon Sextile Mercury: Aug 07 2018 12:50 AM
See Current Chart