Astrology of Saturday, January 18th 2020
January 18, 2020
Astrology of Tuesday, January 21st 2020
January 21, 2020The Sun leaves Capricorn behind this morning, abandoning the stony-but-crumbling monoliths of established power for the abstract soup of probabilities carried by the Water-Bearer. Here we look upon the rules, not as they are, but could be. The Sun thus comes to Aquarius as a daydreaming legislator, full of ideas with uncertain implications. The Sun will be in Aquarius this year until February 18th.
Though the day begins with the Sun’s ingress, most of the daylight is dominated by the Moon’s inflammatory conjunction with Mars in Sagittarius. The fierce red star Antares also partakes of this conjunction, making it all the more fiery. Aim that fire at a task, not a person.
Fortunately, evening’s Moon-Neptune square puts out the day’s blazes, progressively mellowing the night hours.
Horoscopes & Ongoing Influences
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